USB-UART SX is a USB to Serial converter module which is simple, cost effective, very small and easy to use. An on board USB mini-B type connector lets you to connect directly ANY Vizic Developmet board to your PC (SmartWAV, SmartGPU, SmartDRIVE, etc). Also, it can connect any Microcontroller of FPGA directly with a PC(Check left image)!. It provides the user with multi baud rate serial data and access to flow control signals in a convenient 10 pin 0.1” pitch Dual-In-Line package.
USB-UART SX is ideal for prototype or production. It is also an essential hardware tool used for debugging and connecting the Vizic Development tools with the free provided Windows PC Interfaces.
USB-UART SX - Intelligent Bridge
- USB-UART SX Board Features:
- Ultra high Baud rates going from 300bps up to 1Mbps.
- UART supports 5-8 bit data, 1-2 stop bits, odd/even parity and/ or no
- On board 3.3V & 5V regulated output voltage, no need of external Voltage Source.
- 5V and 3V3 I/O compatible.
- Virtual COM port drivers allow operation with existing COM port PC
- Supports Windows, MAC, and Linux.
- USB powered no need of an external power supply.
- Blue traffic/operation led indicates board status.
- Extra external pin-outputs, DTR, RTS, CTS, SUS, etc. Datasheet, Command Set, Libraries and Examples in Downloads section.